various problems of people with back pain, neck pain, joint pain and psychological health through the calming of the nervous system as a result of the massage procedure.

Massage therapy: solve chronic stress and physical pain

Well, probably we can describe the process of massage service in general, it is a problem and its solution. We massage therapists solve various problems of people with back pain, neck pain, joint pain and psychological health through the calming of the nervous system as a result of the massage procedure. 

More and more people are beginning to suffer from back pain due to lack of physical activity and spending time on their smartphones and computers. The health of our psychological state gives a heavy impetus to back and neck problems, and as a result, we start to have headaches. 

Now often me visited who are experiencing a lot of stress every day because of the war in Ukraine, and I understand them well because I can’t sleep at night because of the shelling by missiles and drones. The result is no sleep, or very little sleep, up to 3 hours a day, a person does not recover and chronic stress appears, which often creates spasms in our body and muscles and the formation of trigger points on our back. In future articles, I will give specific examples and conclusions that I have made while working with such people. 

Each problem needs to be approached individually and the cause of the physical and mental outcome of this pain needs to be understood.

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